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Reviews from our patients

At Cardiac Technical Services Inc., we are committed to providing the best services to ensure customer satisfaction and find solutions to their ailments. Don’t believe us? Hear what our patients have to say about us.

Good service, friendly staff, I come here with my dad and I would definitely recommend anyone I know who could benefit from the service at CTS to come.

Y. Osborne - (Daughter of patient)

Professional, very timely, which is rare. The staff is very Bubbly (Joann) , very welcoming and efficient.

S. Odoom

Prompt service, especially with obtaining appointments, clean and comfortable facilities and great service, always on point.

D. Gardier

Timely and efficient and great service.

O. Chin


What is ECP and how is it administered?

During ECP treatments, you lie on a comfortable bed. A series of blood pressure cuffs are wrapped around your calf, thigh, hips and buttocks. You are monitored by a computerized ECG, which triggers the cuffs to inflate and deflate in sync with the heartbeat. During the resting phase of your heart, the cuffs inflate to pump oxygen rich blood to the heart and the rest of your body. When your heart beats, the cuffs rapidly deflate. Then, the blood vessels expand and blood gets ejected from the heart with less effort for the heart muscle. You get all the benefits of a second heart pumping.

Patient’s usually listen to music, read, relax, or even fall asleep during treatment. The number of treatments depends upon the patient’s medical condition.

What are some of the advantages of ECP?

ECP was initially developed to treat patients suffering from blockages due to heart disease. However, it is important to understand that heart disease is not just about blockages. Heart disease is a systemic condition that affects the entire vascular system‒60,000 miles of blood vessels. Thus, we need to address the entire system, not simply open up one or two vessels. ECP treats the entire vascular system as it bypasses blockages.

How does ECP bypass blockages?

ECP can create new blood vessels that go around or “bypass” existing blockages. It does this by releasing VEGF, which is a growth factor for blood vessels. ECP also stimulates the bone marrow to produce stem cell endothelial progenitor cells, which stimulate the growth of new blood vessel cells that line your arteries.

What are some of the other positive effects of ECP?

In addition to bypassing blockages, creating new blood vessels and strengthening the heart, ECP prompts the release of nitric oxide, which has an antioxidant and relaxing effect on your arteries. ECP reduces arterial stiffness, decreases inflammation in blood vessels, and prevents plaque build up. ECP produces a detoxification effect and improves lymphatic circulation. It helps to reduce stress. In addition, you receive the benefits of one hour of intense exercise while you lie down relaxing.

Does ECP detoxify the body?

Yes! ECP increases the removal of metabolic waste products from cells and improves circulation to the kidneys and liver. Increased blood flow not only delivers vital substances to the cells, it also “flushes out” metabolic waste and environmental toxins. ECP transports oxygen and nutrients into cells more effectively.

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